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19 Jul 2023

6 Strategies to Use NPS® Survey Data for Your Fitness Franchise

Knowing how to acquire new members is essential to running a successful fitness franchise. However, do you know what makes your members stay versus what makes them run to a competing franchise? Member feedback via NPS® surveys can tell you — if you know how to make sense of the data to change the minds of unhappy members and convert them to loyal members.  

Learn how to analyze member feedback to make data-driven decisions to drive the success of your fitness franchise marketing plan. The member experience is guided by reviews from other member feedback and especially negative feedback. Member churn is a natural part of running any business, but using a net promoter score survey can help improve member loyalty.

A high score in net promoter score surveys will create a better member perception of your brand loyalty.

The Importance of a Net Promoter Score for Fitness Franchise Leaders

The member feedback loop is a member experience strategy that is meant to enhance and improve your fitness franchise services based on member reviews. This will give actionable insights to help turnover unenthusiastic members and bring light to negative reviews to improve the member base.

The loop begins when your fitness franchise sends an NPS® survey and members respond. Your franchise analyzes the feedback and makes the desired changes. You then communicate the changes to the member, closing the feedback loop. This can go from survey responses to follow-up questions to determine the primary reason a member’s experience was negative or positive.

Your fitness franchise should pay attention to who is using your fitness services and how outside forces like the economy may affect when, where, and how they go to the gym, this is the natural member churn. By focusing on continuous improvement and sending regular NPS® surveys to gauge member loyalty, you ensure that even the smallest changes make your fitness franchise better, easier, faster, and more profitable. Qualitative feedback can help your member service team implement more beneficial marketing campaigns, track performance correctly, and help gain insight into what the member face.

Well-planned NPS® surveys can help your franchise collect valuable data for your member support team to make necessary adjustments to help existing members stay happy members, and find a target audience. Knowing how members from varying demographics like gender, age, and location rate their loyalty can influence your decisions when considering adjusting services. You can also learn what services are the most useful to your members and which ones can be eliminated from your menu.

6 Ways to Make Data-Driven Decisions for Your Franchise Network

Determine Your Key Performance Indicators for Member Loyalty

What is it that will make your fitness franchise successful? How will you know once you’ve achieved that goal? Key performance indicators, or KPIs, are quantifiable measures of performance over a specified period to meet an explicit goal.

Having your KPIs in place when analyzing NPS® results is important because it gives your fitness franchise a goal to aim for, like a certain NPS® score, better member sentiment, or an increase in actionable feedback to work on. Measuring data without an understanding of what you consider to be a success will compromise your ability to make action-oriented decisions, which is why understanding NPS® feedback and NPS® analysis is a key factor into a good NPS®. A good net promoter score question will target a certain response to look at in the NPS® analysis.

Collect and Organize Member Feedback

Sort through and compile the kinds of member feedback you have across franchises and place all collected data in one central place. In addition to NPS® data, look at all the places where your members leave you feedback, including online reviews, member experience surveys, member support team reviews, and social media. These additional feedback avenues will help you narrow down the meaning of your NPS® results so you can decide where to start making improvements first, so make every survey question meaningful. Also, note what detractors respond with to any of the questions in the survey results to try and raise a bad NPS® score. New members will look for a net promoter score that is higher than lower.

Use Technology to Categorize, Slice, and Dice the Data from your NPS® Score

Once you’ve collected the data, it’s time to decide how you want to evaluate it. Do you want to segment it by region? Demographics? Years each franchise has been in business? There are many ways to use the data you have in order to understand what factors are contributing to member loyalty. List the areas you want to focus on and organize the data accordingly. These data points are worth noting to figure out how to have a good overall NPS® score and gain points in your NPS® rating and NPS® analysis.

Compare the Results Across Several Metrics

Now that the data has been categorized, start to compare it across franchises. Comparisons can be made by location, region, franchise size, services offered, etc. This is where the data tells a story about how your members experience your fitness services franchise-wide and why they are loyal to some franchises and not others. A member experience management platform is a great way to organize NPS® survey responses.

Determine High-Priority Areas of Improvement

You can’t do everything at once. Decide your business priorities by revisiting your KPIs. Did you meet your company goals? Where are you experiencing the most success? What are your members saying about what needs to be improved? Use your KPIs to help you determine your highest priority areas of improvement, budget increases or decreases, and employee training to keep up employee health, and make sure to track any NPS® response that leads to a better NPS® score. 

Document Areas Where You Need More Data

Every time you conduct a survey, you’ll discover more areas where you’ll need to collect more data. Do you want to know more about member motivation to use your fitness services? Do your members need childcare? How much are they willing to spend on these additional services? These are the kinds of questions that can be built into future member feedback strategies and show up the next time you calculate NPS®. Ask specific questions in your net promoter survey to get valuable information on your target market or member loyalty overall.

Improve Your Member Feedback Analysis with Listen360

Knowing what member feedback is available and having a detailed plan to understand what it means can make or break your fitness franchise. When you know how to calculate net promoter score and analyze member feedback, your fitness franchise is in a better position to build lasting member relationships. Listen360 is a member engagement platform that can help you collect important data about your members and make sound decisions about how to keep them coming back and improve your member experience and NPS® scores. 

Increase Repeat Customers & Reduce Customer Churn

Leading the market means delivering an exceptional customer experience. With Listen360, you can achieve this effortlessly. We’ll show your team how to earn loyal customers, stand out in your industry, and drive growth.